Reflecting & Resetting: December 2024
Ahoj Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery,
The summer of 2024 has quickly passed and winter is upon us. First, we will say Thank You for your continued support of the Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha (FOBCO). Today, we want to update you on the primary project we accomplished this year.
Our Focus in 2024
Over the years, we have seen many dead and damaged trees throughout the grounds. In 2024, windstorms increased the damage and the dangerous nature of these trees. Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha voted to take action by professionally removing or trimming 7 trees. The cost to have this work done was $13,238.
What’s Next for The Friends?
The Friends’s mission is to beautify the grounds and provide support when able. We would like to continue the beautification by replacing some of the trees which were damage this year. Planting new trees is the easiest part! After consulting with Robert’s Nursery, the watering and care of the newly planted trees, during the first year, will incur the greatest effort and expense.
Our goal for 2025 is to replenish our capital and raise funds for the planting and care of 10 trees throughout the grounds in Fall 2025. The cost of this project is estimated to be $20,000. The majority of the spend is to fund the professional maintenance and ongoing watering of the trees for one year.
How can YOU support our mission?
Share: Please share our information and mission with those whom you know are interested and/or connected to our cause.
Donate: Please donate to our fund. Consider a monthly donation to the Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha. With a monthly automatic payment of $25, $50, or $100 per month, we will reach our goal to find the Tree Beautification Project in no time!
Matching Season: Now through January 6th, your donation dollars do more for our fund!
Midlands Community Foundation will provide matching funds for NEW contributions made to existing and newly created charitable funds up to $5,000 per individual donor, and subject to a maximum of $100,000 for all MCF funds. If more than $100,000 is contributed, the matching dollars will be prorated based on the total contributions made to all funds. Learn more.
Our best to you this winter and holiday season,
The Friends,
Victoria Rusek Palmisano
Matthew Rusek
Jana Rusek Klaczynsky
Kathy Prescott Kelly
Bohumir “Bo” Benak
Spring Cleaning with the Friends
The first cemetery cleanup of the year was a huge success! Our volunteers have made a tremendous impact on the grounds. We encourage you to follow our Facebook page to learn of upcoming opportunities to volunteer with the Friends.
Thank You, Donors & Volunteers
We are incredibly grateful for the support of our generous donors and volunteers.
In 2021, the Friends hosted 6 community cleanup events and we closed out the year by raising over $7,000 through Midlands Community Foundation’s Matching event. Your donations will allow us to keep the cemetery beautiful so it can continue to blossom for many generations to come. Thank you!
Matching Season is Upon Us
Seasons Greetings!
As we close out the year, we open our hearts to reflect on what is most important to us... family. While our families may look a little different or are spread out this year, we are so thankful to be a part of yours this holiday season.
Today begins our annual event as Giving Tuesday kicks off the Midlands Community Foundation’s (MCF) Matching Charitable Program. Starting November 30, 2021 until January 5, 2022 - Under the Program, MCF will provide matching funds for NEW contributions made to existing and newly created charitable funds. Matching donations will be made on a dollar-for-dollar basis up to a limit of $5,000 per individual donor, and subject to a maximum of $100,000 of matching dollars being available in the aggregate for all MCF Funds. If more than $100,000 is contributed on an aggregate basis to all MCF Funds, the matching dollars will be prorated among such donors based on the total contributions made. Matching dollars are for DONATIONS ONLY. Charitable fund event sponsorships and/or event tickets are NOT eligible for matching dollars.
During last year’s event, the Friends brought in a total of $5,960 - which we hope to exceed! Our goal for the 2021 Matching Charitable Program is for $10,000 in NEW donations. Please pass the word along and help us celebrate a generous Giving Tuesday with the Friends.
Thank you for thinking of us and we hope you have a bright and bohemian holiday.
Warm wishes,
Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery
Please send donations to:
via Mail:
Midlands Community Foundation
Memo: Bohemian Cemetery
217 North Jefferson St.
Papillion, NE 68046
Online via:
Click: Donate Now
Search: Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha Fund
Spring in Review
As Summer nears, the Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha reflect on the projects we accomplished during Spring and start planning for Fall. Here is an overview of what the Friends have been up to:
-In the months of May and June, the Friends met to work on cemetery clean-up. This included planting, trimming, watering, mulching, and other jobs as needed. Please look for dates in the Fall if you would like to join us!
-Mother’s Day weekend, the Friends were joined by representatives from the Omaha Czech/Slovak Cultural Club and the Czech & Slovak Museum of Omaha for a kolach and houska sale during our “Mother’s Day Remembrance Event.” These organizations were able to supply information about the Bohemian culture, allowing modern families and friends to connect with their heritage.
-At the end of May, the Bohemian Cemetery Association held their annual meeting with the Friends in attendance. The meeting covered electing officers, finances, marketing ideas, future projects, and volunteer opportunities such as record keeping and office help over the summer. The association thanked board member Ernie Wesolowski for his contributions of new flags and taking care of much needed road repairs and tree removal.
For more volunteer opportunities and latest updates, follow us on Facebook or leave an email on our website. Additionally, if you have any ideas or questions, feel free to reach out to us at Donations can be made any time via our website.
Spring 2021 Newsletter
Happy Spring!
We hope that wherever you may be, you are safe, healthy, and happy. With nicer weather ahead, the Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha is looking forward to seeing you at our monthly clean-ups once again! The next clean-up is Saturday, May 1st from 9am-12pm. Follow us on Facebook to stay up- to-date on all upcoming events.
To begin, we would like to extend a huge “Thank You” to those who were able to donate to last year’s Midlands Community Foundation’s Donation Match event. Our fund received a total of $5,960 and we are ready to put those funds to good use! We would also like to thank our Friend, Ernie Wesolowski, for his generosity to remove six toxic trees from the grounds as well as make repairs to the cemetery road. These tasks have been a serious undertaking and are being done with Ernie’s help and kindness.
Coming up next month, the Friends will be hosting a Mother’s Day Remembrance Event with the Omaha Czech/Slovak Cultural Club and Czech & Slovak Museum of Omaha on Saturday, May 8th and Sunday, May 9th from 8am - 4pm. Kolach and houska will also be for sale from local vendors. Funds raised will go towards the continued beautification of the grounds. If you would like to volunteer to work a booth from 8am-12pm or 12pm-4pm either day, please contact
We would also like to remember our Friend, Jerry Mahoney, who left us last September. Jerry and Mary Mahoney gave the very first donation in honor of their friends Millie and Louie Rusek. We are so thankful for their friendship and commitment always.
If you have any questions or ideas - please reach out via email. We would love to hear from you and learn more about the ones you visit at the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha. Please include their name (as written) and your relationship. As is our mission, please feel free to let us know if you need any help with upkeep.
The Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha
Winter 2020 Newsletter
Seasons Greetings!
As 2020 comes to an end, we would like to thank you for your support this year. Whether you were able to donate funds, help with one of our cleanups, or like our Facebook page…thank you! Your generosity has allowed us to spread our message and continue the work we have started.
In our first year, your time and contributions have helped us cleanup the cemetery grounds, plant several trees, and add flags representing our Czech, Slovak, and American heritages. While we have more projects planned for the spring, we are gearing up for another Midlands Community Foundation’s (MCF) Matching Charitable Program.
Starting December 1, 2020 through January 5, 2021 you can make a greater impact! All donations dated and received within that time will be matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis (up to $5,000 per individual). We would love to reach our goal of $30,000 in qualifying contributions during this event and begin prioritizing our spring projects.
If you would like to donate to the Friends’ organization, anything helps! Simply go online to and click “Donate Now” on the right hand side. Search for “Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha” and enter your donation information. Should you prefer to mail a check, you can do so by sending it to MCF 217 N. Jefferson St. Papillion, NE 68046 with the memo line stating: Bohemian Cemetery Funds. As always, your donation is tax deductible and MCF will issue a tax statement.
Thank you again for your support this year. We hope you and your loved ones have a safe and joyful holiday season.
Všechno nejlepší // Warm Wishes,
The Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha
Ringing in the Season with Friends
The Friends were honored to host this year’s wreath hanging event at the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha. Thank you to all who were able to come out and ring in the season with us. We are so grateful to join the cemetery’s president, John Yirak, and trim the gates with holiday decorations - bringing warmth and light to all.
We hope you take time to visit the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha over the holidays and feel free to bring your own wreath, garland, or just a favorite memory.
Getting Started
Fall 2020 Cleanup Events Update
Our vision to preserve the beauty and integrity of the grounds where many of our loved ones abide is becoming a reality! We hosted 3 cleanup events in September and October, inviting the community to help cleanup the grounds. Thank you to the volunteers who joined us in maintaining the grounds, planting trees, and much more.
This is only the beginning- we plan to host more cleanup events in the future. Follow us on Facebook and signup for our newsletter to be notified of upcoming cleanup opportunities.
Thank you again to everyone who joined the Friends for your hard work- we are so grateful!
Introducing our Flags
In September 2020, we completed our first order of business: to symbolize our Bohemian presence in Omaha. It means a great deal to us that we are able to display our heritages on the Bohemian Cemetery landmark.
The Czech, Slovak, and American flags represent those who came before us and those yet to come. We hope they serve as a pleasant reminder of the cemetery’s history. The flags are flying at the front gates as you enter the cemetery.
We are grateful for all of the generous donations that made this project possible. Thank you for supporting our vision and helping us bring our goals into fruition.
Friends in the News
Omaha World Herald - August 28, 2020
“Palmisano said she hopes the group... can engage young people with Czech and Slovak relatives and provide long-term support, making 'in perpetuity' more than a slogan.”
Read the Article Here
Newsletter - August 2020
The Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha
5201 Center St, Omaha, NE 68106
August 2020
Hello and Dobrý Den,
We hope this letter finds you safe, happy, and well. In June 2020, the Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha established a fund under the Midlands Community Foundation (MCF). As the Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha, we are committed to preserving the beauty and integrity of the grounds where many of our loved ones abide.
Establishing this charitable fund, Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha (Fund), provides an opportunity to fundraise and support the Bohemian Cemetery so it may continue to blossom for many generations to come. While the Bohemian Cemetery is a place of peace and remembrance, our hope is to remind visitors that “Všude dobře ale dome nejlépe” - everywhere is good, but home is best.
Upon setting out on our fundraising journey, we are asking individuals and families who are personally connected to the cemetery to donate. Any monetary donation to the Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha is completely tax deductible and will be put towards the beautification and upkeep of the land as well as its structures. Projects supported by this Fund may include, but are not limited to: tree planting, lawn care, historic preservation, and other ventures as can be afforded.
If you would like to contribute to our organization, no amount is too small. Simply go online to and click “Donate Now” on the right hand side. You can search for our fund by typing “Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha” and a tax statement will be issued by MCF. Should you prefer to mail a check, you can do so by sending it to MCF at 217 N. Jefferson St. Papillion, NE 68046 with the memo line stating: Bohemian Cemetery Funds.
We look forward to keeping you up to date with the progress we make and we thank you for your time.
The Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha
Vicky and Tony Palmisano • Matthew Rusek • Jana Rusek Klaczynsky