Reflecting & Resetting: December 2024
Ahoj Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery,
The summer of 2024 has quickly passed and winter is upon us. First, we will say Thank You for your continued support of the Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha (FOBCO). Today, we want to update you on the primary project we accomplished this year.
Our Focus in 2024
Over the years, we have seen many dead and damaged trees throughout the grounds. In 2024, windstorms increased the damage and the dangerous nature of these trees. Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha voted to take action by professionally removing or trimming 7 trees. The cost to have this work done was $13,238.
What’s Next for The Friends?
The Friends’s mission is to beautify the grounds and provide support when able. We would like to continue the beautification by replacing some of the trees which were damage this year. Planting new trees is the easiest part! After consulting with Robert’s Nursery, the watering and care of the newly planted trees, during the first year, will incur the greatest effort and expense.
Our goal for 2025 is to replenish our capital and raise funds for the planting and care of 10 trees throughout the grounds in Fall 2025. The cost of this project is estimated to be $20,000. The majority of the spend is to fund the professional maintenance and ongoing watering of the trees for one year.
How can YOU support our mission?
Share: Please share our information and mission with those whom you know are interested and/or connected to our cause.
Donate: Please donate to our fund. Consider a monthly donation to the Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha. With a monthly automatic payment of $25, $50, or $100 per month, we will reach our goal to find the Tree Beautification Project in no time!
Matching Season: Now through January 6th, your donation dollars do more for our fund!
Midlands Community Foundation will provide matching funds for NEW contributions made to existing and newly created charitable funds up to $5,000 per individual donor, and subject to a maximum of $100,000 for all MCF funds. If more than $100,000 is contributed, the matching dollars will be prorated based on the total contributions made to all funds. Learn more.
Our best to you this winter and holiday season,
The Friends,
Victoria Rusek Palmisano
Matthew Rusek
Jana Rusek Klaczynsky
Kathy Prescott Kelly
Bohumir “Bo” Benak