Our Goal
While the Bohemian Cemetery is a place of peace and rememberance, our hope is to remind visitors that “Všude dobře ale dome nejlépe” - everywhere is good, but home is best. Our goal as the Friends of the Bohemian Cemetery Omaha is to promote the beautification of the cemetery where many of our relatives, friends, and ancestors abide.
Part One
Form a board and gather funds to establish a solid foundation on which our organization can thrive for the next generations.
Part Two
Determine the urgency and feasibility of projects which can benefit the Bohemian Cemetery while creating a space for multi-generational visitors to appreciate the grounds.
Part Three
Continue the work. By growing on our momentum, we will put our projects into motion and keep fund raising for future ventures. We can’t wait.
To learn about opportunities to get involved with the Friends and support our goal, please visit this page.